Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Seasonal Obsession- Fall Season: PUMPKIN BUTTER!!

So this may not be the best way to begin...But my first seasonal obsession has nothing to do with beauty or fashion at all. Its actually a thing I discovered and doors unlike any other were opened up to me while walking through the mall one day...While I decided to walk into one of my favorite stores Williams Sonoma. I had discovered Pumpkin Butter....YES Pumpkin Butter! Pecan Pumpkin Butter to be exact.
This can be purchased from Williams Sonoma for $11.95. You won't regret it! 

I have no idea why this yummy, tasty, sweet, brown, smooth, spreadable buttery goop can make my day any time. Though between me and my sister this 13oz jar did not last us more than a few days. And for $11.95 a jar, it was going to be a long time and pricey treat to keep with.

So while listening to the radio, I had heard an ad from (another one of my favorite stores ever!) Trader Joe's announcing that they have...You guessed it PUMPKIN BUTTER!!!!! And what's even better is that its fat free, and only $2.29 for a 10oz jar. Now thats a habit I can support ANY DAY!! Sure its a couple ounces less but hey its also $9.66 cheaper too, for exactly the same taste! The only difference is Trader Joe's doesn't have any pecans in it. Which is perfect because my mom is allergic so everyone wins right?

The best thing so far of course has been plain toast and butter. Im just DYING for Thanksgiving to come so I can try some other recipes using the Pumpkin Butter. Recipes like Pumpkin Butter and Brie!! YUMMM!! I'll make sure to keep you updated on how my exploration with the greatest goopy snack ever!

XOXO-- LeoLady89!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds delicious... i've never heard of it before!
